
"All of the pain that I had before the session was gone ."

"All of the pain that I had before the session was gone ."

I’ve been seeing Ryan now for 10 years as a massage therapist. When I started seeing him I was struggling with diabetes, on multiple medications, over weight and in pain almost every day from fibromyalgia. Over the years I have lost weight, I’m running half – marathons, gotten off most of my medications, and most of my pain is now manageable. My life is very busy managing a real estate office, caring for my husband, being a devoted mother and soon to be grandmother, and training for more half – marathons.  So day-to-day stress still builds up. Recently I was having painful symptoms of what had been diagnosed as fibromyalgia..." Trish

"Old issues are being alleviated in such a short time."

"Old issues are being alleviated in such a short time."

“My Somatics sessions with Ryan have been nothing short of magic! I came to Ryan with tightness and pain in my left upper arm/shoulder, mid back, and a tight IT band. I really wanted to enjoy my retirement, yet these issues where beginning to affect and limit all areas of my life…After attending my one-on-one session..."  Chuck