
"I finally have that ability back after so many years of fighting unevenness."

"I finally have that ability back after so many years of fighting unevenness."

“Participating in a workshop with Ryan Moschell was one of the best investments that I have made in my health and well-being. Despite weekly chiropractic adjustments and regular massage and acupuncture appointments, I was never able to stay in alignment. After the workshop and my private session with Ryan, I have been able to maintain alignment by doing my daily exercises..."  Beverly

" From a range of motion of 15 degrees with pain to 60 degrees with no pain!"

" From a range of motion of 15 degrees with pain to 60 degrees with no pain!"

"Ryan had been telling me there was a way I could alleviate the pain/tension and regain flexibility myself on my own. I agreed to start one-on-one Somatics sessions. In just one session I noticed a major difference in my ability to turn my neck further without pain.  The movements I learned and practiced helped me to continue the process of releasing my neck from its stiff and painful state."  Eileen