All ages and all levels of experience are welcome
Be capable to do gentle, slow, self-regulated movements
Ryan Moschell, CHSE, LMT will teach you how to Get Out Of Shape® by learning to retrain your brain and prepare your muscles so you can regain strength, range of motion, control, coordination, and alleviate many of the common physical complaints that can come from Sensory Motor Amnesia, AKA chronically contracted muscles. What you will learn is a system of neuromuscular re-education (mind-body training) that enables you to enjoy freedom from pain and ease of movement for the rest of your life!
Summer Focus - All levels of students are welcome to attend
This Series will be focusing on the body shapes and chronically contracted muscles that you create and can collect and how to move out of them daily. Move it or loose it is an important phrase that describes our summer class agenda. Many times we slow down as we age. Summer is the height of our freedom and the warm weather gets us outdoors. Chronically contracted muscles can limit your life. I want to help you alleviate anything that will hold you back from living the life you want to live. Sometimes these chronically contracted muscles can stay tight for days, months, or years. This series will touch on how you may be limited in your ability to move freely and you will learn ways to manage the unwanted stiffness and tightness with specialized movements, and then taking a look at how you can control your daily environment. For those that are regulars we will continue to refine what you know and challenge those places you have yet to discover. Remember this process is ongoing and cumulative so keep moving with us this summer to Get Out Of Shape so you can keep feeling better everyday of your life.
$125 if you pay before May 17th
$155 if you pay after May 17th
$30 per drop in class
2nd and 4th Wednesdays
June 14, 28
July 12, 26
Aug 9, 23
6:45 - 8:15 pm
Pay and RSVP:
Pay and Register Online - Go to my Classes page
Pay By Mail - Somatic Health Solutions, 645 Ridgely Ave., Annapolis, MD, 21401
Register now as space is limited - Go to my Classes page
351 Dubois Rd., Annapolis, MD 21401
Flyer - To be printed, posted on social media, or e-mailed
Summer Flyer
Extra layer of clothing
Blanket or Mat
Check, Cash, Credit Card (+ fee)
Paper & Pen