This section will help you to prepare for your upcoming online session and give you the contact information you will need to make your online class go as smoothly as possible.
- I will need to have your online payment or a deposited and cleared check at least 48 hours before your scheduled appointment.
- If I do not receive your online payment or have your check deposited and cleared before the 48 hour window your appointment will be canceled.
Online Payment:
– I offer online pre-payment on my Services And Ways To Pay page
– Payment must clear before your scheduled class.
– You may use a major credit card or your PayPal account
MAIL A Check:
– Your check must arrive and clear the bank before your session.
– Make the check payable to:
Get Out Of Shape LLC.
– Mail to:
Get Out Of Shape
107 Ridgely Ave, #14C
Annapolis, MD,
21401, USA
- You will need to click on the "Intake Forms" button below, print, complete, sign, and mail/e-mail me the form to me at least 48 hours before your scheduled appointment.
- If I do not receive your signed forms before the 48 hour window that time your appointment will be canceled.
Ways to connect online:
Webcam Link:
Meeting ID:
525 751 2988
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,5257512988#,,1#,170252# US (Germantown)
+13126266799,,5257512988#,,1#,170252# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID:
525 751 2988
Find your local number:
If ZOOM is not available there are other options to connect if you click this link Other Ways To Connect
Tech Check:
– It is your responsibility to text and check your equipment and connection before your scheduled session.
– If needed, you can schedule a system check with me a few days before your session via e-mail. This will not be a session and once connection is established we will terminate the system check.
– If your first choice of connecting online is not working at the time of appointment we can transition to phone.
* Make sure your equipment is working ahead of time to avoid being charged for a missed session!*
– Clear enough space on the floor to do a snow angel.
– Remove any obstacles that are in your way.
– A carpeted or hard floor with a mat or blanket.
– Be in a room where you can be alone.
– Make sure there is enough light in the room and on you so that I can see you on camera. If you can’t see yourself on the screen, I can’t see you either.
– Bring an extra light source into the room in case you need to adjust the light in the first few minutes of your session.
– Make sure you can turn your device up loud enough so that you can hear me clearly.
– I will let you know if I can’t hear you and we will adjust as needed.
– Have everything up, running, and online a 10 minutes before your scheduled time.
– It is best if your whole body is in clear view of the computers camera.
You will need to either:
– Be on speakerphone with a good cell signal/land line
– Use headphones – not optimal but can work if need be.
Being Present:
– Turn OFF your cell phone and home phone ringer.
– Plan to not answer phone calls during your session.
– Please put your pets away if you feel that they will disturb you
– Let your family and friends know that you will be busy during your session time.
Medical Disclaimer:
Make sure that if you need to be cleared by your professional healthcare provider to participate in gentle exercise/movement, that you do this before your appointments.
Recording policy:
Audio and video recording of any kind is strictly prohibited without written consent from Ryan Moschell and Get Out Of Shape LLC. If a recording is sent to you it is for your personal use only and will not be gifted, distributed, posted on the internet, or sold in anyway.
What to wear:
– Comfortable, loose clothing that will allow you to move freely.
– Bring socks and extra layers so you can adjust your body temperature.
What to expect:
– You will be fully clothed
– You will be either be laying down or seated comfortably
– You will learn somatic movements that you can do daily or on the spot.
– Your session will be tailor fit to your needs and improvement goals
After your class:
– When it’s possible, plan to take a walk and/or have some quiet time to integrate what you learned.
– Do your daily Somatic Maintenance Movements.
– Make appointments with Ryan Moschell to continue your Somatic Education.
If you need additional information about your upcoming online class(es) please contact me.
Other Ways To Connect For Your Session:
Connect: RyanMoschell
Download: Get Skype
Computer/Tablet: Ryan Moschell
Phone: (410) 703-6956
Download: Get Facetime
Make sure you have a good cell signal or land line
Speakerphone is preferable
Headphones can work but are not optimal
Call me at your scheduled time