Episode 3: The Protect Body Shape
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In this episode I will be giving a more in depth look at The “Protect” Body Shape which is one of the common body shapes or postures that you can unconsciously create over a lifetime. This shape can develop from the chronic neuromuscular tension that comes from your conscious and unconscious reactions and responses to… Stress, Pain, Trauma, and something called Sameness. To be clear sameness is being in the same body shape or position for extended periods of time and repeating the same shape on a regular basis. The issue is not moving into and out of these shapes themselves the problem comes when, as you age, you get stuck in these shapes and begin to think they are who you are.
The “Protect” Body Shape
Medical Disclaimer:
Always consult with your physicians before you begin any type of exercise or movement program. This Get Out Of Shape® podcast is for general informational purposes only and it is not intended as, Nor should it be considered a substitute for professional medical advice.
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Show Notes
In this episode I will be giving a more in depth look at The “Protect” Body Shape which is one of the common body shapes or postures that you can unconsciously create over a lifetime. This shape can develop from the chronic neuromuscular tension that comes from your conscious and unconscious reactions and responses to… Stress, Pain, Trauma, and something called Sameness. To be clear sameness is being in the same body shape or position for extended periods of time and repeating the same shape on a regular basis. The issue is not moving into and out of these shapes themselves the problem comes when, as you age, you get stuck in these shapes and begin to think they are who you are.
The “Protect” Body Shape is traditionally called the startle, withdrawal, or escape response. Most people know this body shape as poor posture. The tight muscles that are involved in creating this shape are the flexors of the body. Some of the physical shapes that can come from this posture are head craned forward, Slumped or rolled forward shoulders, humped upper back, rolled in arms, concaved chest, flexed forward at the hips, and bent or knocked knees. You do not have to have all of these to qualify but these are just some of the major attributes that can help you to tell that your pattern may have some or all of the postural qualities. This protection can come from adapting to a negative - stressful environment, the sameness of your physical environment such as sitting at a computer for long periods of time, or even an accident or a physical traumas in ones life. This body shape is a reflexive way in which one contracts to protect ones self. Many times we unconsciously keep this shape as a way of trying to keep ourselves safe from harm even when the external causes aren’t present or cease to threaten us with physical harm.
Show Introduction
The Protect Body Shape
Special Guest - Gabriel Posner
Licensed Massage Therapist
Certified Hanna Somatic Educator
Owner of Elevated Somatics
Director on the Association of Hanna Somatic Education Board
What is the Protect Shape?
Organisms retract
Patterns in our neuromuscular system
Fearful response
What was your first AhHa Moment?
Pain from being a Massage Therapist
Somatic Movements offered relief
Unaware of tension and feelings
Digestive issues and anxiousness
Experiential learning process
Anxiety and muscular tension
Professional experiences
Similarities in peoples response
Neck and shoulder pain
Professional story
The tension
Client Story
Learning how to feel again
Trust sensations
Make client into expert in who they are
Natural reactions to our environment
These reactions show that the body is working great
Unconsciously contracted for years
Owning the possibility and capacity for change
Gabriel Posners Information
Denver, Co
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Episode 4 - The Ready Body Shape
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Important things to say:
“My name is (first name)
Comments about why you called in (your reason)
My question is (Your question)”
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Hang up.
It’s that easy!
Podcast Mission
Ryan will be helping you understand the specific shapes you get into, bringing on guests to interview, teaching you how to help yourself, offering information about Somatics, offering you ways to experience Somatics first hand, learning how to manage (stress, pain, trauma, and tension), getting feedback from you about future show topics, helping you focus on growing your awareness, refining your somatic movements, understanding the function and location of your muscles, bring neurophysiology into the conversation, offer you Somatic principles (function and structure brain work vs bodywork, education vs therapy) in as many interesting ways possible, and much more. Subscribe and tune in soon!